smiling family of three children, father, and mother

Centerforce’s Mission

Centerforce supports, educates, and advocates for individuals, families, and communities impacted by incarceration.  We:

  • Develop and deliver comprehensive and effective client‐centered services to current and formerly incarcerated individuals and their families.
  • Design, and implement programs to foster constructive experiences during incarceration to promote successful re‐entry and prevent re‐incarceration.
  • Research, evaluate, and share best practices.
  • Collaborate with key stakeholders including corrections, mental and physical health services, and others.

Family Reunification

Centerforce’s Family Reunification programs provides direct services to Rubicon’s Fathers Advancing Community Together and Alameda County’s Probation Department.  Services include creating Service Plans, facilitating family and couples’ workshops, providing individual healthy marriage support, coordinating child abuse and domestic violence prevention services, family reunification efforts, parenting classes, and child modification assistances.  Housing stipends and client incentives are available in some cases.

Centerforce Parenting Program

The Centerforce Parenting Program (CPP) serves parents with youth on probation through coaching, case management, assessments, and youth engagement activities.  The goals are to prevent and/or reduce court involvement and encourage healthy parent‐child communication.

Gender‐specific Reentry Services

Health Right 360 entered into a subcontract with Centerforce to provide Gender‐Specific Reentry Services for Women in the Contra County West County Jail.  Centerforce calls this program Women Empowered for Successful Transition Services.  Using a gender responsive and risk needs assessment tool, we evaluate the participant’s needs including for housing, employment, public benefits, life skills, family reunification, mental health, substance use disorder treatment, and legal services.

Centerforce Youth Court

Centerforce Youth Court (CYC) provides first‐time youth offenders (12 ‐ 17) the opportunity to use a peer‐based program for youth interested in learning about the judicial process.  Youth serve as CYC attorneys (prosecution and defense), jurors, and bailiffs.   An adult volunteer judge supervises the youth.  CYC brings peer and community accountability to the youth offenders’ experiences, while shielding them from the traditional criminal justice system.

Centerforce Restorative Justice Program

The Centerforce Restorative Justice Program (CRJ) offers services to at‐risk and system‐involved youth to stabilize the youth and their families.  CRJ provides "diversion" in lieu of detention as well as case management, individual treatment, and case plans addressing family concerns, priorities, and resources.  Youth and their parents/guardians are screened for eligibility to determine how the services will promote family stability.

Culture of Correction Provider Training Curriculum

Centerforce provides training to non‐profit organizations on effective case management and strategies for re‐entry services.   The training is taught by formerly incarcerated Centerforce employees.

© 2024.  Centerforce, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Centerforce, Inc. is a non-profit tax-exempt foundation.  Contributions are deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ID# 94-2446248    General business and messages: (510) 834-3457   Email:    Mailing Address:  Centerforce, Inc., 1904 Franklin Street, #203, Oakland, CA 94612

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