On‐Line Donations

Centerforce remains unwavering in its mission to serve individuals, families, and communities impacted by incarceration.  Our staff remains intricately connected as our clientele struggle to cope with the traumatizing affects resulting from some of the most important issues of the world today.  Centerforce will continue to deliver services and provide tools to assist our clients in building better lives for themselves and their families.  Since so many of the clients we serve have been personally involved in the justice system, the current issues of violence hit closer to home for us, which is why Centerforce’s focus remains on providing meaningful programs and beneficial services to systems impacted individuals, families, and communities.

You can participate financially in our mission of supporting communities by changing lives.  Please make your one‐time and/ continuning donations at our third‐party hosted donation page at secure Donate Page at Click &Pledge .

"Click & Pledge is a PCI Level 1 provider.  PCI DSS compliance standards require strict adherence to a large number of security requirements to maintain our certification.  All servers, workstations, network connections, products and offices are audited annually by a 3rd party PCI DSS qualified security assessor (QSA).  Additionally, both the official QSA and an additional 3rd party performs in‐depth scans and vulnerability tests quarterly...."  See Click & Pledge Security Page .


© 2024.  Centerforce, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Centerforce, Inc. is a non-profit tax-exempt foundation.  Contributions are deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ID# 94-2446248    General business and messages: (510) 834-3457   Email: info@centerforce1.org    Mailing Address:  Centerforce, Inc., 1904 Franklin Street, #203, Oakland, CA 94612

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